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ETH Net Zero Day: Moving forward together

The path to net zero is like an expedition with a lot to discover, learn and obstacles to overcome. The first ETH Net Zero Day is designed to engage students and employees in ETH's expedition to net zero. By joining forces, we can make significant progress towards climate neutrality.

Tuesday, 28 May, 12 p.m. 8 p.m.
Student Project House, Clausiusstrasse 16, Zurich

Programme and further information. external pageSafe your spot.external page

Support for additional childcare costs

You are an ETH member, attending a conference, are on a short research stay, have to go on a business trip or are taking part in further training and additional expenses are incurred for the care of your child/children? Then you can apply for the Robert Gnehm Grant.

Focus Rollout on 28 May

On 28 May 2024, Bachelor students of Mechanical Engineering showcase the results of two semesters of project work. The exhibition and presentations will take place at the "Focus Rollout" at ETH Zentrum. Details and program

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